Task 3 Reflection

Link To Final Video

Task 3 Reflection
To start with we were given the topic of "Sense of Space" which could be interpreted in different ways, however I looked into the idea of a person feeling trapped and cut off from the large world around him emphasized by the shot we would use in the task. Another part of the task was to experiment with things to do with visual and audio that you hadn't done before, this is why I focused on the use of audio effects to emphases how the main character was feeling and visual triggers that conveyed that he was struggling with things.

Our initial location was to use the Christmas market in the town center of Sheffield, this was because we wanted to show the happiness around the character with the other people having fun with the Christmas lights and the Christmas spirit in general, while he was stuck in his trapped world drowning out all the happiness and excitement out of Christmas. However, this location was changed because of the fact other students had used this location countless times so fatigue of the location had set in the the tutors, so we decided to use somewhere else. We then came up with using Burngreave Cemetery, this because it was a quite place that looked abandoned so it was great for our trapped idea but it was a large location helping us with our "Sense of Space".

Filming went really well it was a very collaborative process between the two of us bouncing ideas off each other with the different shots. Also, we picked a brilliant time to film because of the fact no one else was around and that the sun was setting towards the end of the filming process meaning we could get excellent lighting and shots from it. While filming we looked into hidden meaning towards the film emphasizing the stuck in his own world theme of the project, for example making the stone faces around the walls feel like they were looking at him and the lock and bar shot creating a sort of  symbolism. We did have issues with the odd one person driving around in a quad bike making a ton of noise but we worked through it in the end.   

Editing added a ton more engagement to the film because without any effects it would have just been a person walking around, which is boring to watch. To start with we added the sound recording we had got from the place like background sounds, footsteps and bird tweeting to make it seem like a calm place and not a place for quad bikes to roam round like there was.  While in the editing software I changed the audio around using the effect tool called Low Pass, this effect was used to create the underwater or trapped like effect on the sound to showcase the struggle the character is going through in his mind. In addition to this, visually I colour corrected some of the shots because some shots looked cold and some look warm, so I had to create an even balance between the clips. Finally, at the last minute I decided to experiment even further changing one of the shots from Daytime looking to nighttime, this was done by following a YouTube Tutorial online to create it looking into the changes to colors, brightness using overlays and etc. To say it was my first attempt doing this effect it went amazingly well looking more realistic then I thought it would.
Overall, I think this project went much better then I thought it would, one of the reasons why is because we worked as a team and both contributed to the idea jointly so the process was quicker and more effective  towards the final product. Another reason why is because I pushed myself editing wise to do things I'd never done before like the day to night shot for example. However, one thing I would have done differently would have been is to make a more interesting narrative rather then it just being a 2 1/2 minutes video of someone walking, so next time make the things that happen in the project more interesting to watch because the visual and audio effects are what saves the film from being completely boring.
